New here?

We believe that God has a perfect destiny
and purpose for every person's life.
It begins by getting to know God
through His Son, Jesus Christ.
If you do not know Jesus personally, then find out what Christians believe about Him through the Alpha course - or just come along to Church any Sunday morning and join with us as we worship the living God.
We are delighted to welcome visitors to all our services and events. You will find these listed in the Events section.
On Sundays, one of the Welcoming Team will greet you on your arrival and show you into the worship area. After the service, we continue fellowship over coffee and tea.
Please make yourself known to one of the stewards or welcomers and do complete a visitor card so we stay in touch with you. The weekly Bulletin provides more information about what is going on during the days ahead.
We will make ourselves available to meet up with you during the week if you would like to talk more about Jesus and His church here in Bromham.
You might also like to go to check out one of the weekly home groups, which we call 'Discipleship Groups'. We meet informally in these small groups to worship, pray and study the Bible and to encourage one another. Just let the
Church Office know and we'll introduce you to a group leader.
There are lots of events going on in church during the week,
click here for a full list.
Once you begin to feel settled with us, you may like to join an evening on 'Exploring Membership'.
We present the foundations, mission, vision and aims of the Church, outlining what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and what you can expect from the Church. The course also helps you to discover your 'SHAPE' (Spiritual gifts, Heart - passion, Abilities, Personality and Experiences) and in what area of ministry you might best serve in the church.