Overseas Links
Jesus told His followers to go into all the world and make disciples; in other words, to go and spread the Good News about God's love to all nations.
God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Jesus also told His followers that they were to give food to the hungry, clothe the needy, look after the sick, give water to the thirsty, show hospitality to strangers and visit those in prison. (Matthew 25:35-36)
Our mission therefore is to reach out overseas as well as here in Bromham and the locality. Members of the church are involved in links with Kenya, Romania, Spain and so on and we have a special concern for Christians who suffer persecution for their faith, wherever they are.

Bromham Baptist Church supports the work of BMS World Mission. BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 34 countries on four continents.

BMS money boxes – collect from Church – fill with small change – return to Church.
BMS believes in holistic mission, an approach that stays true to the Christian call to evangelisation without neglecting the duty to take care of the physical needs of the poor.
BMS works through long, medium and short-term workers, teams and volunteers, as well as a large number of supported national partner workers around the world, providing people, funding, training and expertise in the core areas of our work
•Church planting
•Disaster relief
•Media and advocacy
As one of the world's oldest Protestant mission organisations (founded in 1792 by William Carey, the father of modern mission) BMS has longstanding relationships with partner organisations, umbrella mission agencies and local church unions in the countries in which it works.
This, along with a long-term approach, ethical policies and supreme cultural sensitivity, has made BMS one of the most trusted names in mission worldwide.

Donate your unwanted tools to this Christian Charity; they will be collected and distributed to people in African countries giving them the skills required to find work and support their families.
Check here for a full list of tools needed.
Members' Mission activities
The Church believes that God calls and equips individuals for particular mission projects, both here in the UK and abroad.

We rejoice that Members have been called into specific mission work in building an orphanage for Aids orphans in Utange, Kenya:

Feed500 is a project to feed 600 AIDS orphans in Utange. Click here for more details.
working in Romania with those having learning difficulties and physical impairments:

and serving in YWAM (Youth with a Mission) based out of Harpenden.
Short Term Mission
The Church actively encourages Members to go on short term mission trips where they can serve and with local churches. Recent short term missions have been to Mexico, Mozambique, South Africa, Philippines, Burundi and Kenya.
Young people have served with YWAM through the DTS (Discipleship Training School) scheme.