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Bromham Baptist Church is committed to meeting the needs of the community and church family, throughout all stages of life.

The Contact events are primarily for our older friends where we seek to provide a congenial environment to encourage friendship and support.  Sometimes, the older in the community can feel rather lonely and isolated so these events are designed to build on existing relationships as well as develop new ones. 

All older people are welcome whether they be members of the Church fellowship or residents of the local villages. 
We try to provide transport for all of our ‘Contact’ activities. 

Upcoming events

Tuesday 25 February
10:30amContact Fellowship for Seniors @ Church OC's
View monthly calendar

Logo Contact Coffee

Get together once a month with friends in Church.  Lifts available for residents of Bromham.

Logo Contact Fellowship

An opportunity each month to meet for fellowship and a Christian thought - followed by refreshments.  Lifts available for residents of Bromham.

For more information please contact the Church Office.

Even to your old age and grey hairs
I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

                                        Isaiah 46:4
The glory of young men is their strength,
grey hair the splendour of the old.
                                        Proverbs 20:29

We follow a strict ‘Safeguarding Policy' with all who work with children, youth and vulnerable adults in the Church.