Sunday services

Morning Worship 10.30
pre-service worship from 10.15am
Children's ministry at all morning services
Each Sunday, we gather to bring our praise to God, to pray together and to understand God's love and purpose for us as revealed through the Bible.

Sunday worship is the focal point of our life as a community of faith.  The structure of our services has order but is open to the Lord’s direction by the Holy Spirit.

You will be welcomed as you arrive and can sit anywhere you like.  We are quite informal and you can participate as much or as little as you want.  Some will raise hands and banners, some may dance, others will clap and many will be content to simply declare their praises through song and prayer.

Church Worship 4

Songs and hymns

The music ministry of the church is contemporary with a primary concern to see God’s people released to worship freely.

Holy Communion is celebrated each month and is open to all believers in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. 

Children worship with the adults for the first part of the service and then go to their own school-year based groups for teaching and fun.

Refreshments are served after each service and provide an ideal opportunity to continue our fellowship together.

Prayer Ministry
At the end of each service there is an opportunity to pray with members of our prayer ministry team. Space at the front, left hand side of the worship area, is usually set aside for this purpose.

As time can be limited on a Sunday, it is also possible to make an appointment for more in-depth prayer ministry to take place during the week

Please join us on any Sunday, you will be most welcome.

Upcoming services

Sunday 30 March
10:30amSunday morning service... @ Church
Sunday 6 April
10:30amSunday morning service @ Church
Sunday 13 April
10:30amSunday morning service @ Church
Sunday 20 April
10:30amEaster Sunday morning service @ Church
Sunday 27 April
10:30amSunday morning service @ Church
Sunday 4 May
10:30amSunday morning service @ Church
Sunday 11 May
10:30amSunday morning service @ Church
Sunday 18 May
10:30amSunday morning service @ Church
View monthly calendar